Allergy Medicine Manufacturing OTC

Business for Sale Industry Economics




Projected CAGR

2005 - 2019


2019 - 2025






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Over the five years to 2019, demand for over-the-counter (OTC) allergy treatment has gradually risen as healthcare coverage and health spending have improved. OTC allergy medications refers to drugs that are available without a prescription that are intended to temporarily mitigate or alleviate the effects of mild-to-moderate allergic reactions.

Though OTC products do not usually have the same high costs as prescription drugs, increasing opioid premiums have led to spikes in industry retail prices. However, considering the importance of allergy treatment for allergy sufferers, demand for industry products has remained high.

As a result, sales in the Allergy Medicine Manufacturing OTC sector is forecast to rise at a 3.6 percent annualized rate to $3.9 billion over the next five years.


Over the five years to 2019, the demand for over-the-counter (OTC) medicines has widened as healthcare penetration and health spending have gradually increased. As a result, the OTC Allergy Medicine Manufacturing market has gained and has maintained sales growth over the last five years.

OTC allergy drug makers create non-prescription drugs that temporarily avoid or reduce the effects of mild-to-moderate allergic reactions. Although these drugs are available without a prescription, increasing medication costs have resulted in increased prices for industry products.

Allergy treatment, on the other hand, is a must for many consumers, but demand is immune to price hikes. As a result, market income is forecast to rise at a 3.6 percent annualized rate to $3.9 billion over the next five years.


The Allergy Medicine Manufacturing OTC industry is projected to expand steadily over the next five years, following a trend of rapid growth. Over-the-counter (OTC) allergy drug demand is directly related to health care coverage and overall health spending, all of which are expected to increase over the next five years.

Furthermore, manufacturing firms are expected to continue investing in R&D in order to increase the efficiency of industry goods. As a result of these trends, market revenue is expected to grow at a 2.9 percent annualized rate to $4.5 billion over the next five years.

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This company produces over-the-counter (OTC) allergy drugs, both brand name and generic. Antihistamines and decongestants are examples of products.

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